Sunday, May 29, 2011

long weekend

i am excited to have this sneak peek of summer this weekend with yes... 3 DAYS off!!! had a blast yesterday at sassafrass junction!  i love that place!  also spent some time with friends playing at the park (beautiful weather, but i still LOVE snow!)  be prepared world for all that is to come this summer - imagine what i can accomplish, or decide not to accomplish (never was a perfectionist) with some sudden free time! anyhow i feel this was probably the most boring blog post ever, but i cant share another secret just yet.... have to run p actually slept in today and is now sitting in her crib saying "bird day" repeatedly.....

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


so i just realized today that p knows how to count to 10... when did that happen??? time is going by so quickly!!! shes growing up!  im preparing myself to assist her with binky withdrawal, converting to a "big girl bed", and potty training this summer.... yes it will be interesting so stay tuned.  on another note - today was interesting at work...i love when 3rd graders try to argue as though they know what is best for the whole class at all times.... i even enjoyed some relative of a student telling me off because i would not hand over a student during the school day without them signing them out... .i love it!!!  well enough fill in on the day - i have to go enjoy my view of phil washing the dishes while it lasts....

Monday, May 23, 2011

monday, monday

woooo hooo!!! just one more monday and i am off for summer vacation!!! woot woot!! on a side note p is singing the phonetic alphabet in the background as i sit and type... so anyway - sad but happy thing at the walmart today: ran into an elderly woman that works at walmart that knows phil and i from those happy days of when he and i began our journey together - anyhow she started talking to us and i felt badly that she is still working and she is just as old or even older than my grandma and she is one of the happiest and nicest people i have ever seen... she was asking about everything we have been into (where we were working and such) and she told us she was proud of us for succeeding in life = )   it was very sweet - presley loved seeing her and yes, p has this strange attraction to older folk - she willingly gave this woman a hug not having any clue who she was!   it was really sweet!
another note: sad week - two of my old classmates passed away and they will be greatly missed: they left us way too early - RIP Courtney & Drew