Sunday, May 29, 2011

long weekend

i am excited to have this sneak peek of summer this weekend with yes... 3 DAYS off!!! had a blast yesterday at sassafrass junction!  i love that place!  also spent some time with friends playing at the park (beautiful weather, but i still LOVE snow!)  be prepared world for all that is to come this summer - imagine what i can accomplish, or decide not to accomplish (never was a perfectionist) with some sudden free time! anyhow i feel this was probably the most boring blog post ever, but i cant share another secret just yet.... have to run p actually slept in today and is now sitting in her crib saying "bird day" repeatedly.....

1 comment:

  1. A secret?!?!?! Aw, man! Now my head's going to be swimming with the possibilities....hmmm, what could it be.....
